Dark Spot on my Display


Dark Spot on my Display

i've discovered a small dark spot on my Display. Everything works ok, the dark spot shows the right colors but a bit darker than on the rest of the screen. (see photos)

Does anyone know what this is? 

My device is still under warranty, should is send it to sony? Would this  be covered by warranty?

Thanks for your replies!


Hi @SaschaG82, welcome to our community!

I am so sorry to hear about your tablet. Slightly_frowning_Face

Is this dark spot always visible in your tablet or can it only been seen it in specific applications?

You can try this in the inbuilt test in your tablet which you can find in Settings > About tablet > Diagnostics > Test > Display.

The display will turn black and it might be hard to see the spot since it's in the same color, just tap on your display once and it will turn white and check if you can see the dot now.

If you can see it in the test, make sure that the dot is not dirt or moisture on your screen. If you have a screen protector on your tablet, try removing it and see if the dot disappears.

Should there be no change after you have tried the troubleshooting above, I would recommend that you get in contact with your Local support team and they will assist you with having the tablet sent in to an authorized service centre.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to answer if this will be covered by our warranty or not before the tablet has been examined at the service centre.

Let me know how it went! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi Jonas, thanks for your reply!

Now I sent it to an authorized service centre.
Tried everything before, clean my screen, diagnostics, factory reset.

I will inform you when i get news from the service centre.


Thanks for the update! Slightly_smiling_Face

I hope everything will work out with the repair so you can enjoy your Z2 Tablet again without the black spot!


I'm happy.

The repair center (w-support) has replaced the LCD-Display under warranty and i will get my Z2 back in 1 or 2 days!


Hi again!

That is great news, that makes me happy as well! Slightly_smiling_Face

Thanks for getting back to me and have a great Tuesday! Slightly_smiling_Face