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SONY partecipa al recupero dei minatori in Cile
Sony Cile ha partecipato al recupero dei minatori con la costruzione di un sistema video, al link vedete foto e descrizione dell'idea che ha portato in 2 giorni al salvataggio di tutti i lavoratori rimasti intrappolati.
Sony Chile, INGESMART and MICOMO (Mining Technology Company of CODELCO), helps to build an AV solution to allow bi directional communication from surface to trapped miners under 700mts. We used SNC-CH180 network HD camera / FWD-32LX2 LCD display for monitoring / Vaio VGN-NW270 for control cameras / V-F220 Dynamic Mic and MDR-J11G Sport Headphones. We focused this mission like an humanitarian task, It's not just giving products away, and I installed and configured all the Sony system, assisted by Rafael Castillo from our System Integrator INGESMART and 3 people of MICOMO to make everything work.
We arrived at the San Jose Mine, Copiapo on Aug 31. Miners in Shelter already had a IP camera from another brand before we arrive, but they couldn't communicate with surface. The main objective was open and keep an audiovisual channel with miners where the most important issue was put image from outside in the shelter, in order to establish a bi-directional communication to send them specific and complex instructions to work in their own rescue and also to keep them in touch with their families.
The diameter of our camera exceeded in 3 millimeters the max allowed to be inserted in the rescue pipe, therefore all rescue team decided do not take any risk. But our camera has an exceptional quality in its analogue video and audio output comparing with other brands available, therefore we decided to use it on surface in the conference room, in order to feed with good signal to miners inside the shelter.
Under extreme conditions, lack of resources and time pressure, we had to emulate signal attenuation from our camera to miners, in ordet to assure the minimum image quality.
After 2 days, bi directional communication was made. we connected our camera to the 3M Pico projector through the Analogue Video Output to the computer through Ethernet Connector for control. The people in the shelters were monitoring the sceans of the surface over the 3M pico projector which was placed inside the shelter. they used our headphones and our mic for audio. Miners sent their thanks and greetings to all our team work. With this system they will have a 24/7 way to be in touch with rescue team, doctors and familiy.
Additionally, Sony Chile contributed 33 units of PlayStaion Portable and Walkman etc.
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beh Sony è sempre stata molto sensibile ai temi sociali e ambientali, questo è un esempio di come la tecnologia può essere utile.