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Yesterday morning I woke up to the notification to update to Android 8 on my X Compact, a notification I had been waiting for for a month or so. I let it install and do its thing whilst I got ready and then I was able to use the phone. Not much different other than a new layout to settings which will take its time to get around and get to know.
It wasn't until the evening that I realised that my Twilight app, which filters out the blue light on the screen, is now useless. It works on the main bulk of the screen in Oreo, but no longer effects the status bar, notification drop-down or the lock screen. Which makes it pointless having. I had hoped that Oreo would include a built-in variant from Google, but no, nothing.
So I now have two choices - either there's a workaround to the above problem so that Twilight (or similar) works on Android 8.0, or I want to return to 7.1.1 - this should be made so much easier to do in the event that things like this happen!
This blue light filter has been a revelation for me since I discovered it, so I need to somehow get it working again. Does anybody know of a way to revert easily to 7.1.1?
You are not alone - I have the same problem!
It's very annoying isn't it!
I love an update with new features etc and usually they go well, but this time around I am desperate to find a way to get 7.1.1 back.
I don't see Google's reasoning for not allowing an app to draw over the status bar and lock screen on Android 8. It has completely ruined all blue light filter apps, they are now useless. So if they are going to do that, surely they have to provide some in-built night-light functionality? Do Sony plan to add this in to any updates?
I've had exactly the same issue with exactly the same app, so your not alone.
Bluelight on (main screen)
Bluelight off (staus bar)
@alex_ncfc: unfortunately there is no official way to revert to previous versions of android. it is stated just before you click to update.
as far as I know there is no blue light filter app that includes the status bar. even I use a blue light filter but it works the same as yours.
I know that there is no official way to revert back to Android 7.1.1 - but I know that it can be done. I know what I have to do, so if someone could PM me or e-mail me a link to the UK version of 7.1.1 that I would have had before (34.3.A.0.252) I would be very grateful!
The blue light filter worked perfectly on Android 7.1 and below, and worked on all aspects of the screen - main, lock screen and notification area. Now it looks like I have to do without because of Google making ridiculous and unnecessary changes, changes for change sake! It has totally ruined my experience so why shouldn't I be able to go back to 7.1? I would appreciate some input on this as my phone is now hurting my eyes more at night.
You can revert to 7.1.1 after unlocking your phone and flashing a 7.1.1 ftf file.
I wouldn't recommend to do so.
Unlocking could affect low-light photo quality.
O how I miss the native night mode that was on Xperia X Concept.
One of the best features that software had.
And this night light was much better that the yellow fog I remeber from the Play Store app and what I see on your picture.
Just updating this thread again with some more general disgust about Oreo and some new issues.
I am very disappointed that Sony don't provide information or the ability on how to revert to 7.1.1 (something which can easily be done, if I could find the files required)
Not only can I not use my Twilight app to filter blue light from the whole screen anymore, but I am also experiencing *severe* lag in many applications, especially Facebook and Snapchat, which wasn't evident before in 7.1. Snapchat isn't even giving me notifications anymore! And on the subject of notifications, I was wondering why there wasn't any notifications on my phone for a while on a few occasions - then (this happened most recently just an hour ago) I suddenly receive an influx of notifications from all sorts of diffferent apps at the same time! E-mails, Facebook, reminders from my calendar, notifications which should have been delivered hours ago! My phone experience has been ruined and I really want to go back to Android 7.1.
My Xperia X Compact has gone from being a reliable, fast device to a complete mess!! I appreciate some of this (possibly all) is down to Google and not Sony, but the fact I can't go back to a previous build when my phone was, you know, ACTUALLY USABLE is ridiculous!
Very angry and annoyed.
I've had exactly the same issue! Really pissed off and frustrated!
I've put an external blue light blocking screen cover on my phone but it's not ideal. I'm thinking of rooting the phone and installing f.lux but no idea if it will work. Anyone had any luck? I might buy another HTC u11 with nougat and sell this one as I get headaches without a blue light blocker. I've complained to HTC but no response so far.
I'm coming from an iphone 7 which had a similar feature and didn't see one on my little x compact, but I did notice a white balance option so even though it's not the same, I think ??
I can adjust the warmth of the screen to a slightly less cold image