Blue light filter - Oreo


Blue light filter - Oreo

Yesterday morning I woke up to the notification to update to Android 8 on my X Compact, a notification I had been waiting for for a month or so. I let it install and do its thing whilst I got ready and then I was able to use the phone. Not much different other than a new layout to settings which will take its time to get around and get to know. 

It wasn't until the evening that I realised that my Twilight app, which filters out the blue light on the screen, is now useless. It works on the main bulk of the screen in Oreo, but no longer effects the status bar, notification drop-down or the lock screen. Which makes it pointless having. I had hoped that Oreo would include a built-in variant from Google, but no, nothing.

So I now have two choices - either there's a workaround to the above problem so that Twilight (or similar) works on Android 8.0, or I want to return to 7.1.1 - this should be made so much easier to do in the event that things like this happen!

This blue light filter has been a revelation for me since I discovered it, so I need to somehow get it working again. Does anybody know of a way to revert easily to 7.1.1?



Hi @GingerSteve77

Night light is an option that has been available on Xperia X Concept and is present on XZ2

Hope that many more ask for that feature.

Read here.


I can't believe this feature isn't being built in to Oreo if we are no longer allowed to use third-party apps to do it! Who comes up with this stuff? So we now have to suffer sh*t sleep and headaches because some loser at Google has decided that only their Pixel phones can have night light mode native to Android!

Are there any plans from Sony to try and integrate a blue-light filter?


Bump, seems like our struggles have come to an end (haven't tried it myself yet though)


Yes, the last solution works on my X Compact with March security update.



Bump, seems like our struggles have come to an end (haven't tried it myself yet though)

That's interesting, thanks for letting me know.

Is there any word on Sony including this feature in an official update for their phones? (including X Compact)


In screensetting hoj Will find nightligth (transated from swedish) , it worked for me. 

Good luck 


I fixed it!

1. Measure the width of your screen and the height of the status bar.

2. Carefully cut a piece of electrical tape to those same dimensions.

3. Place the electrical tape over the status bar.

Problem solved!

(But seriously, this is annoying)


I have sleep delay syndrome disorder and the total cover of the screen (including lock screen, status bar and notifications) was really important... I'm going to root the phone and install the previous version

Huh @Ooohlala  ?

This night light isn't good enough? You can even switch it on all day and change intensity.

One other thing and I don't want to offend you; Do you need this device by your side?

I sleep upstairs and my phone has to stay downstairs when I sleep.

It is a guarantee for undisrupted nights as far as electric devices are concerned.


Turn the phone face-down. If you set it to give you a quiet audible notification only when something important occurs you won't be disturbed, at least while you sleep.