Headphones not working


Headphones not working

First, english isn't the language I grew up with, so I could only use a translater with some special, technical words. Hope you understand it.

So, I hope for a solution for my problem.

I use my smartphone since 4-5 month now and got no real problems.

Yesterday (11.December - 11 to 12 pm ) I use it with normal Headphones and unluckely I fell down.

The headphones plugged out and the pawl was broken.

After this I used another headphone to try out, if something was broken also inside my phone.

After about two seconds I get the note:

''Das Headset wird nicht unterstützt. Verwenden sie ein anderes Headset oder besuchen sie die Sony Mobile-Supportwebsite, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. ''

(The headset is not supported. Use another Headset or visit the sony-mobile-support-website to get more informations)

So I try out another headset I got and the display shows the same note.

Starting the smartphone new didn'T help. And if there isn't any other way I don't want to get it on factory settings.

Could you help me?

I hope for a fast answer, because I use it normally for sports and don't have another device for music.