Hotspot problem with Nougat


Hotspot problem with Nougat


Having updated to Nougat in the last couple of days, everything seems fine except for the WiFi hotspot function. It appears to disable itself immediately or soon after being activated.

This wouldn't normally be a problem as it's very simple to reactivate.

There is a problem though...

My car connects to the phone's hotspot to gather traffic information and I have an app installed on my Xperia which activates the hotspot as soon as the phone connects to the car's Bluetooth.

But now, the hotspot is shutting off after a while when connected to the car (in the same way as it does when manually activated). This isn't great when you're driving and need to reactivate the hotspot.

I can reactivate it by disabling and reenabling the car's Bluetooth. The app then starts the hotspot again but this isn't ideal when you need to concentrate on the road.

Is anybody else suffering from the hotspot disabling itself?

I have ensured that the auto disabling function (after 5 or 10 minutes) isn't set.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Accepted Solutions


It's a third party app to blame, which app? it has to be an app that you have installed. 

View solution in original post


After a little more experimenting, the Hotspot tends to disable itself when the phone is connected to WiFi immediately beforehand. WiFi shuts down as it should and the hotspot starts up but then shuts down again.

I can't replicate this if wifi is not already on. Maybe I've been lucky?



Which app it's triggering the hotspot ? 

test the phone in >>> safe mode and report back. 


I've continued to experiment.

If I enable the hotspot manually (not using the app) the problem persists.

I have now uninstalled the app and the problem remains even after a restart.

I will try in safe mode when I get a chance...



keep us updated when you test it in >>> safe mode


OK, I've tested in safe mode and I can't replicate the issue. When I return to normal mode the issue is back. It doesn't happen every time but it is very regular especially if the phone has been dormant for a short while.

So does this mean an app is to blame? If I uninstall an app will I be required to restart the phone to see if the problem has gone or will it be solved straightaway?

I think I've ruled out the auto hotspot app (hotspot starter) as I uninstalled and restarted previously and the problem persisted.

Assuming that I do need to start removing apps, where do I start? Will there be a certain type of app that's likely to cause this type of issue?

Before the safe mode test I reset my WiFi and Bluetooth settings without any success (and now need to go about restoring these).

It was all going so well...



It's a third party app to blame, which app? it has to be an app that you have installed. 


Thanks for your help. I *think* I've found the culprit. BBC iPlayer Radio was active in the background. When I forced it to stop I couldn't replicate the problem any more. I've now uninstalled (a shame as I like the app) and will keep an eye out for updates.

I recall that this was the app which crashed when the phone first rebooted after the Nougat update so possibly it was some data which corrupted but I'll steer clear for now!

Thanks for your help.


Both of the  BBC iPlayer apps cause problems with the hotspot and clearly turn off the hotspot when launched.

It seems that disabling Background Data for both iPlayer and iPlayer Radio will stop the hotspot from randomly turning itself off.

(Settings > APPS > [BBC iPlayer app] > Data usage > Backgound data = Off)

Launching either Iplayer app will still turn off the hotspot if it is running, but when you have turned it back on, the iPlayer app can then be used, on the phone, without disruption to the hotspot unless the running iPlayer app is restarted.

SONY Xperia XZ (F8331) Android 7.0  Sony Build 39.2.A.0.327


Thank you for the advice.  My problem will have been that iPlayer Radio was running in the background for some reason.  Even upon a phone restart it came back again.  Since uninstalling, all has been ok.  I also have the regular iPlayer installed but I guess this isn't running all the time.

I'll apply your suggested fix after reinstalling iPlayer Radio and hopefully all will be well.

Why is it like this?  Do the iPlayer apps disable Hotspots by design in an attempt to prevent overseas viewing?  Or is it bad programming?

Anyway, thanks again - I'm glad that the reason was found.  My last phone didn't play well with the car (possibly due to lack of memory) and I was overjoyed that the Xperia was perfect when paired with the car (until the iPlayer issue).
