Xperia X update drain battery


Xperia X update drain battery

Hi Sony devs,

When is the latest update for Xperia X. I was happen to received my last update on last year around September-October and never had receive since. Does Sony still support Xperia X phones?

I already formatted my unit and run Xperia companion my battery still drains quickly. I used to get 4hrs of display time before my last update now im only getting average of 2-3hrs display time. Is the update to make us buy a new phone?

Why Sony?? 





It seems it was the last. Two years after introduction. It is a pity that Sony chose just 2 years.

On the other hand: Sony is excellent compared to other brands in their updating policy.

Two years of mothly updates. Were can one find that.

Your problem of battery abuse of your device however needs to be addressed.

My suggestion is that you do a new software repair with Xperia Companion.

After that don't rush to restore all content.

Just install the most desperately needed apps.

Then leave the AI in the machine a few days to learn from your habits.

It will adapt.

You will end up with a tidy, swift and longer lasting machine than the one you have now.