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Xperia XZ running hot


Xperia XZ running hot

During All these Security Patch updates the XZ is always running hot 

I am on Latest August Build and Have Reset my Phone after that ...

I noticed even after not using the phone it is running 3-4 C higher than my Moto Z play  ... i tried it on safe mode ... same result 

Room Temp = 20 C , XZ temp = 30 C , Z Play Temp 27 C 

I would like to Know any1 else facing this problem ? coz as soon as i start using my phone it shoots up to 36-40C .... 


This is just getting worse and worse. My XZ's been in my pocket and i've just noticed how hot it is. The battery has gone from 84% to 11% in just under an hour whilst it has been locked and all apps were closed. Why can Sony not just make a phone that works?


looks like some faulty app is acting ..this does not sound normal


I agree with @100sailo, this looks like a 3rd party app consuming resources in the background. Start troubleshooting by restarting your phone into safe mode, this will disable all installed 3rd party apps. If the problem is resolved then one of your installed apps is causing this issue and you have to figure out which one. Start by uninstalling those apps you installed recently.


is this normal unable to record video for 3 min.?? Sony should really work on it.


I have used video calling apps a little more frequently this month. I have started experiencing extreme overheating, the phone has gotten very slow, any theme I install goes black and a few other problems. Is there anything to reslove these issues?


Mine is usingua full battery by lunch time because of the overheating. Its amazing at using the battery up and getting hot. Sony won't do anything about it! 


Hey guys, I put pressure on Sony regarding this. In Australia we are protected by consumer laws and I managed to get a full refund and extended DOA due to this issue... My phone had been replaced twice, issue still occurred. I told Sony that it did not fit manufacturers specifications or perform as advertised for a reasonable amount of time... They had nothing to go on other than take the device back  

They admitted to nothing, their statement was "we have no knowledge of systemic performance and heating issues with the xperia xz". Even after I pointed to thousands of blog posts on Sony's own website, apparently (according to Sony) no one else in Australia had reported the problem.

Anyway I used my full refund and upgraded to xz premium and can say that it is after a few months of use, the most stable Sony device since the Z3. However you definitely need a screen protector as known issues with Gorilla Glass 5 scratching easily, Corning also deny this and say it is transfer not scratched, however microscopes don't lie. 

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I placed a kudo, everyone should kudo this! it needs to get noticed. you're cutting your fingers when you're not kudoing. I have this problem too!



 The way our phones are heating is not normall anymore. trust me, I am a IT nerd and know what is normall and what not. Slightly_smiling_Face


Sony Xperia Overheating Problems Confirmed image.PNGVirgin media CEO team useless as they are have confirmed all experia handsets overheat even from 30 seconds but its ok theyt are meant to shut down to allow the phones to cool down thats so funny so basically thats that but then they went further with shut down tracking objects, if we have to shut down a feature why have it on the phone at all surely thats a design fault and should be replaced, what does sony say?