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XZ3 on Android 10 - Microphone/Voice Notes low volume


XZ3 on Android 10 - Microphone/Voice Notes low volume


After the update this morning, all my voice notes through whatsapp or any other apps have really low volume. Even my receivers feel the low volume. In adittion, there is no accesory settings on audio settings.

Audio recording on videos work fine. Reboot or power off did not solve the issue.

Did android 10 broke this?




Ok so, to my surprise there is dead silence from Sony.

Many people are experiencing this issue and nothing is being done, not even a general communique to the users.... it is not acceptable.

To my opinion this issue is not only on Sony, it is with other brands too.

But i would at least expect an communication from Sony who this point in time is my phone supplier.

This is not professional.


Issue still going on on latest .618 software 

Sony Su.cks


C'est inadmissible !

J'ai investi dans le sony xperia xz3 pour travailler, et voilà que depuis cette satanée mise à jour je suis dans le même cas que vous, les bugs audios au volume bas m'excedent ! En plus du volume très bas, 3\10 se coupent en plein milieu. Déverrouillage de l'écran difficile, j'en peux plus !

J'utilise les Audios pour mon travail et je me retrouve aussi handicapée qu'avec un vieux téléphone. Voyez ça avec Android et faites quelque chose bon sang ! 

It is unacceptable !

I invested in the sony xperia xz3 to work, and now that since this damn update I am in the same case as you, the audio bugs at low volume exceed me! In addition to the very low volume, 3 \ 10 intersect in the middle. Unlocking the screen difficult, I can't do it anymore!

I use Audios for my work and I find myself as disabled as with an old phone. See it with Android and do something



Correct. Some audios cut off after 3 seconds for the rest of the voice note.

There is no quality checks. Awful service by Sony


XZ2 Premium - same problem. Voice notes really quiet or just stop recording after 3 seconds and are silent.

Easy Voice Recorder works great, but it's a pain in the bum having to record on there, then share rather than do it natively