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Satellite tuner is disabled


Satellite tuner is disabled

I have got Sony 65W855C TV. I have been using Nvidia Shield TV box and I have been watching satellite channels via HD tuner but I just recently updated my TV andriod system.


Since new updates its free sat has been disabled. I cant watch freesat HD anymore


can someone help me to enable freesat, so I can tune channels on this tv please


regardssony tv sat problem.jpg

Not applicable

@difficult_guy wrote:
Is it not possible to have youview and satellite tuner both functioning at

Hi there


No it is not possible unfortunately.  See the bottom Note in this :



Is USB plug-in message uncheked inside ES settings?

I tried that a second ago but the only message I got was the default for a usb plugged in.

No ES File Explorer open or message

Not applicable

@MiCal1967 wrote:

Is USB plug-in message uncheked inside ES settings?

I tried that a second ago but the only message I got was the default for a usb plugged in.

No ES File Explorer open or message

Thanks :slight_smile:


Something is set as default i guess.  And putting off fact reset...even though i tell others to do it :wink:

Now I checked what you said before.

I tried to uninstall Japanese Google Input with the option inside ES explorer and the message I got was:

Do you want to replace this app with the factory default version?

This means that only the Updates of an embedded app can be uninstalled with this method..:smileycry:


Thanks for your reply.


I finally manage to disable youview and now I can watch 28.2E freesat channels but 


Can you tell me how to select bouque of Fav 1 and switch between them please



I manage to list and upload channels via sony app from my phone I could NOT play or select these channels into tv.



I suggest you not to add channels in satellite Favourites. Everything in those Favorites is messed up after a few minutes, hours or days. Only in Satellite Favourites.

I have managed to select my TP's and delete unwanted with SonyEditor in combination with SetEditSony, left back as few as possible and indexed them with continuous numbering with SonyEditor.

The problem of deleted channels re-appearing is NOT SOLVED but at least now they are not so many since only deleted channels from only existing TP's re-appear.

Sometimes after a few days suddenly the index is lost again. I select e.g. channel 1, I see the name of that channel, but when channel appears the numbering becomes whatever e.g. 250.

The good thing now is that if I instantly re-boot my TV, magically the channels come back to my previous indexing.

I don't know if SonyEditor in combination with SetEditSony is the cause of this good thing.

I am waiting for Sony's solution for Satellite re-sorting themselves automatically and channels re-appearing, since they have e-mailed me that they are working on this issue.