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Sony A9F Tasker request for Optical output level Package Name

Sony A9F Tasker request for Optical output level Package Name

Can anyone provide me with the Package Name to open the "Digital audio out volume" page using Tasker?


- I use Optical Audio output on my Sony A9F to connect to external speakers with no volume control, and I want to control the volume.
- Unfortunately Sony decided to cut the connection between main volume and Optical volume level, so changing main volume does not affect Optical audio output level.
- there used to be an option in TV menu that was "Headphone Level Variable/Fix", but it is removed from the menu in the last update.
- There is a "Digital audio out volume" page that can only be accessed after many remote control buttons pushes, making it inconvenient for changing the volume level.
- I tried Tasker, and with it I could open the Headphone Variable/Fix page, but changes I make there do not affect anything and they do not stick, they get forgotten when I close it and back to default.
- With Tasker, I am trying to quickly open the level control setting page that has the Digital Output Level Control, but no luck
- I tried App Opening in Tasker, used ALL option, and tried all available apps a,d those accessed by long press, did not find one related to it.
- Maybe there is a hidden package name not included here, if there is, How can I find it?
- I tried Custom Settings to change the digital volume directly, but could not find the corresponding setting.
- My last resort will be to use Auto Input, but currently trying this.
- I am not sure if Android TV operates strictly on Android system, or it still has it's own internal system for some options but with Android interface, but still if the Android interface can access it, Tasker should be able to do that, right?


Any Help?



Hi there,


I would recommend getting in touch with the Sony Mobile support team for further help regarding this here.


Best wishes,
