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Bravia KDL-42829B not recognising synology NAS


Bravia KDL-42829B not recognising synology NAS



I have a Synology NAS 213j Diskstation running media server and connected to my home network. The TV is internet connected (iplayer works fine, Netflix also, etc.) but the TV will not recognise the Media Server. On the other hand the Synology software recognises that the Bravia TV - it appears automatically in the media server dropdown menu. I've checked firewall settings, etc, etc. and all appears to be in order. Any suggestions what to try next?


thanks in advance,




Are you sure you have your NAS and TVs with a fixed IP in your LAN? For sure Sony TV should have a list of maximum 8 DLNA server, if your NAS is changing IP you'll finish the space available very soon... so it is possible that when you succeeded you were using an IP already known to the TV. That list can be deleted from the domestic network menu of the TV....

Regarding what you see or not on TV it depends on the configuration of the media server in the NAS: you normally have to declare in there which type of content you are streaming (the name of the folder does not imply anything). Even your samsung should ask which content you want to stream ... it's part of the DLNA protocol.

The same should apply to thumbnail, it depends probably on the profile you choose...


Thanks again rooobb,


Rather than using static ip addresses, I have my router configured to assign indefinite leases via dhcp, so I'm definitely not running out of addresses (and just to confirm, upnp is enabled and there are no firewall options selected).  However, I'll double check that things are working as expected (I'm certain the NAS at least is always at the same IP address and has been online ever since I first tried accessing it from the TVs).   Not sure I know how to set a static ip address at either tv, but I'll have a dig around.  The Samsung definitely doesn't give any options with respect to media type displayed (could it be it doesn't support DLNA?  It's less than a year old, but was not particularly high end).  You get to select the media server if seen and that's pretty much that.  I'll check on the transcoding options at the NAS, but I'm almost certain I checked all options to give myself the best chance of something working!

I've myself a small 2013 Sammy TV as well as Sony TV (2013/2015) and BDP (2013). Sammy has an option on the smarthub to select video,photo, music or all, but if you select all, once you select the DLNA server you have to choose in any case what you want to stream. My feeling is the you shared only photo on your server (so you don't see video and sammy doesn't ask.....)

TV IP setting is quite easy (just go to the manual network configuration and copy all the actual parameter got via DHCP) but it's not the cause of your problem. It should be something on the server.