kdl-40v3000 bravia dark lines/shadows.


kdl-40v3000 bravia dark lines/shadows.

i have exactly the same problem as the other people who have written about this tv model on the forum and there seems to be manty many more out thereon forums reporting the same problem that sony will not acknowledge.

there are dark lines running down my screen and a dark shadow line about an inch think on the right hand side of my screen, this was more noticable when watching football. my tv is not under warrranty anymore but is only 2 and a 1/2 years old. it seems that sony have created their screens to only last this long as lots of people have the same complaint.

i have just rang sony and i have been told that "there is no known problems with this model" that is rubbish as clearly there are a few of us just on this forum with the same pronblem. So we are paying about £1000 for a tv that will only last 2.5 years. i am disgusted with the lack of help and support from the sony call centre staff who basically said i need to get it fixed myself and i need to book it in with a service engineer. I suspect this is a problem with the panel or with the screen where a replace ment would cost you more than getting a new set. it would cost me £45 just for someone to come out and tell me that without even having it repaired. as a dedicated sony buyer over the years i cannot believe that my most expensive buy has only lasted 2.5 years.


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Noticed a few of you are contacting Watchdog...has anyone got the link? Many thanks.

As I said in a previous post, neither Sony nor Comet are interested and in fact Sony have stated that they know of know issue of this kind with this TV?!!!!

Well done Skipton on your research!


Not sure there is a direct dedicated link.



Just found this thread and thought I was on my own with this fault.

Can't believe how many others are affected.

Noticed the dark band on the r h edge of the screen a while ago, but it 's def getting worse (and other vertical 'streaks').

Can't imagine I'll get any joy from Sony, but that won't stop me trying.

Also having probs with S380 BD player (fortunately, it's only a month or so old, and bought from Argos), so that's going back.

Won't be buying another TV set from Sony.


Please add us to the list of people who bought Sony KDL40V3000, had it since dec 2007 like a lot of people first noticed a mark aprox two years ago.Have always bought Sony but will not do again! 


OK, so the day for my engineer visit came and went - the engineer never turned up, as apparently their van broke down!  So, that's a days leave to add on to the list of inconveniences.

In frustration, I phoned the SOny customer helpline and got nowhere - they recommended that I take it in to where I bought it - they couldn't understand that the Sony Centre had closed down - that's Cairo call centres for you.

I got back in touch with the support/repair centre again and managed to find out that all Sony service centres had recently had a note to say that all Sonex warranties were being transferred to Sony ones (as goodwill only) and I got the number for the Sonex Extended Warranty Helpline (PM me if you want it).

The number gets you through to Sony, not Sonex and the lady I spoke to there was incredibly helpful - replying to emails promptly and courteously.  All I had to do was scan and email my original shop receipts and warranty card (even though I registered the warranty online) to her and once she had proof of the purchase, her last email said:

"Thanks, I should be able to arrange a repair for you now"

So, fingers crossed, I'll have my duff tv collected next week and inspected, then we'll come to some settlement.  I've already broached the subject of replacement as opposed to repair and indicated that I'd rather be able to pay a little more to get a non-S-LCD panelled unit (for those not aware, pretty much all Sony & Samsung televisions since around 2005 have used LCD panels made by a company called S-LCD Corporation, which is a joint Samsung/Sony enterprise, but has recently been taken over completely by Samsung).  The higher end Sony units use Sharp panels (HX and NX series screens), and I'd prefer to get one of these.

More details later on.


I have exactly the same problem mate,ive had my set is 3.5 and i just had sony visit me to test the set incase of overheating as the sets have been recalled as some were found to overheat so sony came out and tested that component for nothing,while he was here i showed him the shadows and he said i had 4 stain marks on the panel.I am now going to email sony and if i dont get a reply i will be phoning them.I will let u knoe how i get on.


Engineer finally called today - didn't ask to see the issue with the dark lines as he said he was familiar with them, but I demonstrated the problem anyway.

He agreed that it was a panel fault "seen loads of them - yours isn't too bad, but it'll only get worse.  Loads of Sony's affected and not just the cheaper ones too" he said and took the tv away.  This re-inforces that the issue is the same as those affecting the W and X series.

He couldn't say if the panel would be available, but he doubted it would be.  I should know what's been resolved by the end of the week.

So, looks like I'll be bartering with Sony over the replacement model.


Add another one to the list of people with this fault. Had it for a couple of years, but assumed that as it was out of warranty, it was just one of those things. Didn't realise so many sets were affected!


Phoned the menders today, as advised, and I was surprised to hear that they're waiting on a new screen panel, which is expected next week!

It was my understanding that a new panel would make for a too expensive repair, as it's normally cheaper to just get a new complete television.

However, I'm not arguing, as the KDL-40V3000 is a decent unit still and I'm not interested in 3D


Add me to the list! It started with a single line shadow 2 years ago on KDL 40V3000 and the tv is 4 yrs old.I thought it was from the sky sports logo but recently more shadows have appeared. I am gutted because this means I am now going to have to replace as I am well out of warranty.One things for sure- it wont be a sony.