KDL-46W905A No apps on my TV


KDL-46W905A No apps on my TV

Hi i bought KDL-46W905A two years ago. Everything work fine. Recently i discuver in application section there is no apps. In history only Youtube apps work ( No Netfliex, BBC iplayer ...).

I was try to update the system but found system is upto date. I was reset system several time But no luck. Please advice me what i need to do to get back my all apps.   

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Hi there


The no iPlayer app gives a hint that your TV is not connected to your home network in order to access the internet OR that you do not have a UK based IP Address. C


  1. Can you please check the TVs network settings.
  2. Check that you have a UK ip address by going to http://ip-lookup.net
  3. Turn the TV completely off and then reboot your router.  Once done, turn tv back on and test.
  4. If using wifi, test using an ethernet cable - this is to rule out wifi issues.




Hi I did as you descrive in reply but the problem still remaining. Any thigs else. Please let me know. Thank you

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Hi there


Can i confirm that:

  • YouTube works OK, but iPlayer doesnt?
  • You have tested with an ethernet cable?
  • You are based in the UK with a UK based IP address?


Can you please do a "Refresh internet content" in the network settings.

