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sony kdl46hx853 cant connect to wireless router

sony kdl46hx853 cant connect to wireless router


I have recently purchased a sony kdl46hx853 and am struggling to connect to my wireless network.  The tv finds my ssid (network name) and allows me to select it.  The newtwork is emitting a full signal although the router is in a different room.  When I type in my network password it tries to connect for about 2 minutes then fails.  If I trying connect automatically via the button on my router it does the same thing.  Iv`e tried typing everything (IP address etc) manually and still no joy.  Any help would be great,




I have had exactly the same problem with my new bravia tv and if you scan this forum you will notice that we are not alone.  All anyone ever comes up with is resetting the tv to factory settings, restting your router, and keep trying.  I am amazed that Sony seem to be completely ignoring this issue and not doing something about it - I have always thought they were really good at customer service.

I know this won't help you but you are definitely not alone and probably not doing anything wrong.  All my other devices connect to my wireless network without any problems and I bet yours do too

Good luck


I got my TV last week

I remember it took me ages to get it to pair with my Orange box

I guess it depends on your box

I tried pressing the pairing button on my orange box and the TV would not pair

I then noticed that the internet was not working on my laptop

I had to re-power my router, then after inputting the WEP code and pressing the pairing button for 10 secs it all sprang into life

A few years ago I had problems pairing my PSP to my network. In the end I got rid of the WEP & MAC protection until I proved that it could or could not connect to my network

You could temporarily disable your protection and then give it a try

When you do get it up and running and try to use the SEN it takes a couple of minutes whilst the TV "Warms Up" before you can connect

Best of luck

Hi Mulletman,

Well I finally sorted my problem.  It turns out it was the network security key and the default setting of lowercase characters when you input it manually using the tv remote.  To input uppercase characters I had to press the blue button on my remote.  Then when I input the security key using the correct uppercase characters, everything works fine.

Hope this helps.

good luck

Simon a.k.a. shaker_wooders



Just wondering if you resovled this problem- if so, how?


Thanks in advance.