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FE21S Native CD/DVD Burning Vista Ultimate

FE21S Native CD/DVD Burning Vista Ultimate

Hi guys

Hope someone else has come across this and fixed it!

I have a fresh install of Vista Ultimate SP1 (although the problem existed pre SP1 - just hoped this service pack would resolve the problem) and I am unable to burn CDs or DVDs using the native Vista tools. The wizard will always open and then crash when adding data to the CD or DVD. Same thing happens using Vista's DVD maker. I can then not eject the CD - I have to either reboot or use a paper clip.

I also have Alcohol and a trial version of Nero on the laptop and they can both burn with the drive perfectly - i therefore know that there is no problem with the drive or the media I am using. I do not want to buy a Nero licence but I do want to be able to burn CDs and DVDs.

Has anyone else had this issue and have you fixed it!
