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SD Memory stick not working


SD Memory stick not working

Hi i have had my laptop for about 2 months and my daughter asked me to put some photos onto a disk, i have not used this slot until now but as she has a SD memory card for her camera i thought it was not a problem but when i put the SDmemory card into my laptop it will not read it, it trys to read it but comes up with this message.....

F;\ is not accessible.
The requested could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

i have tried to re download any drivers that may not have taken but nothing seems to work, i am not very pc literate so any help will be most welcome.

thanks joanne


Welcome to the club,
Right click on my computer>properties and on the left hand side click on device manager open up the tree for disk drives and see if there are any exclamation marks if not why not uninstall anyway and reboot the computer. This will automatically reinstall the driver safely and maybe the sd will work. THE OTHER OPTION IS OF COURSE TO SAVE THE SD INFOMATION ONTO ANOTHER DISK AND BRING IT OVER :wink: