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Warning for Vaio!


Warning for Vaio!

Hi, for about a year ago i bought a Sony Vaio Fe-31M and was relly happy about it.
But after some weeks the touchpad stopped functioning properly. It suddenly hang itself and only worked half of the times i touched it. Then i called the support.. But under that conversation the touchpad started to work suddenly so me and the man in the support didnt thought the call was needed.

And now to my problem.
Today i called the support about my touchpad wich is not working properly again. After we´ve tried to reinstall the touchpad driver the only thing there was left to do was to send the computer in for service. But here there was a problem.. Since a Sony vaio only has ONE!!! year warranty the repair would cost me about 2000 swedish crowns. ( 340 dollars) Only because i´ve missed the one year warranty with 25 days? I´ve asked the guy if he was kidding, but he remained telling me that he was not.

This is something everyone should now about before even considering buying a sony Vaio.
So now i´m sitting here with a disfunctional touchpad and there is nothing to do. (Besides paying a 1/6 of what i payed for my laptop for them to repair it.

Is this really how the Sony support guys are instructed to handle coustumers.. (even if i´ve missed the warranty tme with 25 days? )

Some one with an similar experience please tell me..?


Hi, you appear to live in Sweden.

Over here in Germany, the official Vaio support runs for two years counting from the date of purchase.

Mind you, this Vaio guarantee is a service voluntarily granted by Sony, no one could legally force them to provide this kind of warranty. According to European law, the *dealer* which you bought your Vaio from should be obliged to provide you with a 2 year warranty starting with the date of purchase, even though I´m not sure about swedish customer laws here.

Still, you might want to contact your dealer where you bought your vaio.

Cheers and good luck

This seems not be a general fault: I've also a VAio FE31m and I use it every day more than 3 hours and I've got no broken touchpad, maybe it's only the driver (I didn't try it in Windows).

Did you try to recover your sytem ?



Guess what happend. The vaio link support calld me later the same day and apologised for what had happend and promised to help me fix my laptop.

This is the support i was looking for when i bought at Vaio... Maybe sony isn´t that bad after all. :slight_smile:

Hi Holstein and welcome to Club Vaio.

Your original post was taken to heart - let's look forward to a good result.

Thank you Vaio-Link!
